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Product Development for Startups

Product Development for startups is, above all, about high speed and precise prioritization. Our goal is to deliver a valuable, ready-to-use software product within 1-3 months, enabling you to attract investment and conquer the market with your startup. JetSoftPro is ready to join the development of your startup at any stage – from raw idea to final polishing.


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    Benefits for startup owners working with JetSoftPro
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    We will help with any challenge

    Our partnership in product development for startups goes beyond coding. During and even after the product launch, you can count on us to be there for you. We will cover your back with bug fixes, new features development, data analysis and more.

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    Agile conditions

    Your cost-efficiency is our priority. We offer truly flexible terms and ensure that the final development budget matches the planned one. Your startup will receive full support and understanding.

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    Best technologies and experts

    Thanks to a strong team of relentless engineers, we are able to quickly attract and retain talent within a limited time or budget. We have built an amazing network that ensures you'll be matched with experts who can help bring your idea to life!

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    Focus on your business goals

    We start work together by meeting with your existing team to analyze the business goals and project requirements. We then translate everything into technical documents for you.

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    Shorter time-to-market

    We know how much startups value time, which is why we are dedicated to meeting deadlines. We will do everything possible in order for your product release on schedule!

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    Third-party look

    At JetSoftPro, we know how to develop products for startups because we have launched and monetized our own successful projects. We understand the process from scratch. Our experts will help you get your idea off the ground quickly.

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    Focus on expanding your network and attracting investors, while we add technical value and significance to your idea. We can start with an MVP and move iteratively to test your product’s market positioning and find the optimal final implementation. We approach this process systematically, and you can be confident that together we will navigate the most challenging aspects of product development for your startup.

    What can we do for you you?
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    Mobile Apps

    Partner with JetSoftPro to develop an amazing native, hybrid, or cross-platform mobile app. Focusing on security, usability, and UI/UX, we will craft a stunning mobile application tailored to reach your customers on smartphones, tablets, wearables, and more. JetSoftPro is a proven mobile app development firm to build and execute your mobile strategy.

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    Web Apps

    Let us guide you through the process of developing a quality web application that aligns with your business objectives.

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    With a tailored AI and AR/VR solution that identifies what your unique business needs are, you will be able to increase user engagement and brand value. This also leads to an increased operational efficiency, as well as generating new customer engagement strategies. We will guide you through the process of building a quality application that is aligned with your business objectives and create for you an attractive website or complex online marketplace.

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    Blockchain technology empowers businesses and disrupts even the largest industries. We help companies and startups to get the best out of distributed ledger technologies. JetSoftPro helps business leaders redesign their processes, secure their supply chain and data, and stay ahead of the competition. You will benefit from our fast and transparent team.

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    We want to ensure you have the best chatbot possible, so we'll create a custom one for your company. It will be designed specifically to suit any needs of you or your customers.

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    Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things has been trending for over five years, and with the development of artificial intelligence, its position is becoming even stronger. JetSoftPro will help you create an IoT project from scratch, including working with hardware and sample-based devices. We have done this dozens of times and will be glad to accelerate your development process.

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