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Carpool/Commute Application for Ride Sharing




UI/UX Design
Robots, IoT & Embedded Development


QA & Testing
Mobile Application Development


Adobe Photoshop
Android & Xamarine
Google API (Google Direction, Google Places)


Transportation & Logistics

Client Background

A US startup decided to create a carpooling mobile application. The main aim was to support local communities with an easy-to-use car-sharing tool. With mobile applications on such platforms, it is incredibly convenient for commuters to secure an on-demand ride to get wherever they need to go.

Business Challenge

The main challenge was to create a system of benefits and trust between the users.

  • Carpooling platforms can struggle to be flexible enough to accommodate in-route stops or changes to working times/patterns. To counter this, we created a service with later running options to reduce the rigidity of the system, which also increases the convenience for the commuters.
  • Concerns over security have been an obstacle to sharing a vehicle with strangers, though in reality, the risk of crime is small. The remedy we used in this carpooling scheme is the inculcation of a reputation system that flags problematic users and allows responsible users to build up the trust capital.


An application that lets you share car journeys, where one person travels in a car while simultaneously preventing the need for others to have to drive to a location themselves. A greater number of commuters are showing a preference towards this concept of sharing a ride through an application instead of a cab for commuting, going out at night, and getting to events. Such an app offers multiple advantages to both the drivers and commuters who would be sharing these rides over standard means of transport that exist on offline platforms. While commuters get to save on travel costs, the drivers can monetize their vacant seats via this application. The app also makes it easy to organize your trips while traveling with a sense of comfort and security. This application can help build a community-sharing platform in the long run over a simplistic professional driving service.

Value delivered by JetSoftPro

  • UI/UX research and development
  • Rapid Xamarin mobile development
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