Software Development for SMBs: Top 5 Hints

Advices Must Know

If you are not a software development vendor but are faced with the need to implement new software into your business process from time to time, this article is a must-read for you.   

You probably know that software development business processes differ from the business reality you face daily. This difference often leads to unsuccessful cooperation and a poor final result. So, your main task when choosing a software development vendor is to set up the efficient process and save your budget.  

Here are five hints to make your choice easier:   

  1. Make a decision: well-known or small vendor

The future project’s price, time, and quality will depend on this.  

The main selection factor here is the complexity of the needed software.  But how do you know if your software is complex?    

Here are 4 signs that your software project requires more qualification:   

  • Your program will work with the database of 100+ people — for example, a CRM system.  
  •  Your program should perform more than 5 basic functions, such as storing information, sending it, synchronizing with various devices, collecting data in an archive, etc.   
  •  Your program contains a big data analytics module.   
  •  Your program automates paperwork.   

If you have recognized your project in any of these points, you need to work with a software developer with relevant experience who can show similar projects they have already developed. In other cases, you can work with a less-known developer if they made a good impression on you at the negotiation stage.   

  1. Don’t let yourself be rushed

Some unscrupulous companies, realizing that you are not familiar with the software development process, may try to speed up your decision to cut corners. But this should be a red flag to you!  

Finding a reliable software development vendor takes a lot of time because you must carefully read the proposed cooperation agreement, learn about payment models and choose the best option. 

  1. Communicate with developers

Developers are the people who will directly work on your project, so it is important to be on the same page with them. Ask the potential software development vendor to share their CV’s and set up a video interview. This will help you understand how the software development team works and what to expect from them.  

Remember to ask software development vendor the right questions about your business area to know if they understand your business process and goals well enough. Because the software developers need to understand your business process’s logic to implement it in the program. 

  1. Calculate the payback of the new software

Don’t plan a software development budget until you have calculated expected ROI. You need to know how much money you spend and how much you will earn later. Otherwise, software development can be delayed indefinitely.  

You must be the driver of this process! It is necessary to be able to postpone a part of features and focus on essential ones. 

  1. Break down the tasks and form a clear plan

The basis of high-quality software development is a clear work plan, where the main task is agreed upon and divided into smaller ones, as well as a correctly constructed timing that does not change during the project. 

If you come to the vendor a month after the start of the project with the idea to add a new feature to the scope, it will be much more expensive and take more time, or can even cause re-writing of what has already been done. Because in programming, different parts and options are connected. 

Usually, the software development vendor will be happy to help you plan your project correctly at the initial consultation stage, so take advantage of the opportunity to get qualified help. 

Sign up for a free consultation with JetSoftPro experts 

JetSoftPro has extensive experience in software development and process automation. Therefore, we will be glad to work on your projects in the field of business process automation. 

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