How To Improve The Process Of Developing A New Software Product?

Advices Must Know

Do you know where the development of a new software product begins? It all starts with the idea of how to raise money, and not from the main idea of a software product, as it may seem.   

According to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen’s statistics, more than 30,000 new products are introduced every year, and 95% fail. The main reason for this is an incorrectly planned budget or bad product management and lack of planning. Of course, many more pitfalls are waiting for you on the way to developing a new product.  

So, in this article, we will look at how to avoid the biggest pitfalls of developing a new software product to improve the entire development process.  

Pitfall 1. The development plan isn’t working.

For example, the software product development is still half-finished, but the investment money is already running out.  

To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to form a transparent idea, conduct a proof of content, involve an experienced business analyst, and calculate development tasks. Remember, if the vendor company indicates a price that is too high or too low, it’s a red flag for you. Perhaps the company didn’t quite understand your idea of a product. So, it is better to synchronize all your thoughts and details! 

Pitfall 2. No marketing plan for your software product.

Bringing a new product to the market requires significant financial support. Free marketing will definitely not work even if all your friends write about your product on their social networks. So, in order not to overpay for marketing, you need to prepare money and a good plan. At JetSoftPro, we consult on product launch and lead generation, so we are happy to help you. 


Pitfall 3. The development team says your idea is impossible to implement and offers to change almost everything in your concept.

Sometimes it really pays to listen to experienced developers who understand what works and what doesn’t. However, there is a risk that your unique concept will be destroyed in favor of familiar products that the team has already created and can copy. And it will be even more challenging to bring a non-unique product to the market!  

At JetSoftPro, we believe that nothing is impossible in the 2020s. We suggest involving R&D (Research and Development) early in the software product life cycle. Contact us, and we will help realize your (even the craziest) idea.  


Pitfall 4. You cut on the quality of the product for the sake of the economy. 

Here again, it is worth returning to the issue of properly planning to launch a new product. But what happened, happened. At JetSoftPro, we always find a way to reduce expenses and optimize processes, keeping a high-quality approach. 



The process of creating a new software product and launching it on the market is not an easy task. During the development process, you may encounter many pitfalls that can destroy your software product in a matter of hours. In the article, we focused on the main risks of big software development projects. However, it is always better to consult an expert who can guide you in the right direction and prevent you from falling. Write to us, let’s make the impossible possible together with JetSoftPro! 



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