Bionic technology: how it can help your startup

Interesting Must Know

Bionic prosthetics and machinery are likely the first examples of bionic technology that come to mind.

Bionics is the science of constructing artificial systems that mimic some characteristics of living systems. It is an interdisciplinary field, comparable to cybernetics.

The difference between bionics and cybernetics is that while both use models of living systems, bionics seeks new ideas for artificial machines and systems. In contrast, cybernetics aims to explain the behavior of living beings.

It’s also important not to confuse bionics with bioengineering (or biotechnology), which involves using living organisms to perform industrial tasks, such as culturing yeasts on petroleum to produce food proteins.

Bionics involves finding and borrowing the best ideas from nature for use in technology, which can be incredibly useful and, most importantly, become your competitive advantage in the market.

Examples of bionic technologies influencing business

Proponents of bionic technology believe that natural mechanisms and solutions can optimize many processes. Nature seeks the most rational way to solve any problem and, through evolution, offers the best solution by filtering out bad options over millennia.

At the same time, the penetration of bionic technology into business and modern engineering remains low. A 2006 study showed that there is only a 12% similarity between biology and technology in the principles of solving problems. While technology solves problems largely by manipulating energy usage, biology uses information and structure, two factors largely ignored by technology.

Here are some examples of technological developments inspired by nature’s solutions.

The Lotus Effect: bionic technology inspired by the flower

Since the 1960s, scientists have studied the lotus flower, whose structure inspired the bionic technology of dirt- and water-repellent coatings and other hydrophobic materials. The so-called Lotus Effect represents self-cleaning properties resulting from ultra-hydrophobicity, as exhibited by the leaves of the lotus flower (Nelumbo).

The lotus petals have a specific structure with tiny wax-coated bumps that prevent surface wetting. Water rolling off the lotus petals carries away dust and dirt. By replicating the structure of lotus petals, engineers created artificial hydrophobic substances.

Swarm intelligence: bionic technology taken from ants and other animals

Swarm intelligence is the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organizing systems. Imagine a flock of birds or a colony of ants. Each animal performs its small task according to simple rules, and although none of them controls the entire flock, the group moves in the right direction and fulfills its larger functions.

Swarm intelligence in technology serves as a model for the interaction of robots or drones. Swarm intelligence systems typically consist of many agents that interact locally with each other and the environment.

Swarm intelligence can solve various tasks. For instance, the ant algorithm helps find the optimal route to avoid revisiting the same place multiple times. This algorithm is based on the behavior of an ant colony marking successful paths with more pheromones.

Bird feathers could replace velcro

Bird feathers are similar to velcro. Technology based on the structure of bird feathers could forever change adhesive production and even impact the aerospace industry.

Feathers feature a series of small hook-like structures, which zip back together when pulled apart, working as a natural adhesive. The spacing between these small hook-like structures is the same, no matter what type of bird. Such a structure could help secure components, especially in the aerospace sector, where the reliability of adhesion directly affects human lives.

How bionic technology can help your tech startup

Often, new problems can be solved with old ideas. Advocates of bionic technology assert that the best solutions are offered by nature. When creating a new product, it makes sense to delve into additional research and understand how nature solves the problem you’re tackling.

Bionic technology can significantly enhance your tech startup by integrating advanced artificial systems that mimic natural biological processes. This technology can revolutionize product development by enabling the creation of more efficient and intuitive devices.

Another significant advantage of bionic technology for startups is that applying these principles will make your project stand out. It can become highly attractive and interesting to investors, partners, and customers looking for next-generation solutions, ensuring the long-term success and growth of your startup.

How to research to find a bionic technology for your startup

To find a bionic idea for your startup, you need a systematic research approach that involves several key steps. Here’s how to conduct this research effectively:

1. Identify the problem or need you will solve with bionic technology

Start by identifying a specific problem or need in your target market that could potentially be addressed by bionic technology.

2. Conduct literature review

Delve into existing research and literature on bionic technology. Look for scientific journals, articles, and papers that discuss recent advancements in the field. Understanding what has already been done will help you identify gaps and opportunities for innovation.

3. Study biological systems

Investigate biological systems and processes that could inspire new technologies. Look into how organisms solve problems or perform tasks efficiently. For example, studying how muscles and tendons work can inspire more effective prosthetic designs.

4. Analyze bionic technologies market trends

Examine current market trends and emerging technologies. Identify areas where bionic technology is gaining traction and where there might be a demand for new solutions. Market reports, industry news, and competitor analysis can provide valuable insights.

5. Engage with experts in bionic technology

Consult with experts in biology, engineering, and technology. Their insights can help you understand the feasibility of your ideas and provide guidance on how to develop them further.

6. Brainstorm and prototype

Based on your research, brainstorm potential bionic solutions that address the identified problem or need. Create initial prototypes or models to test the feasibility of your ideas. This iterative process can help you refine your concept and move closer to a viable product.

7. Validate your idea

Conduct experiments and gather data to validate your bionic idea. This may involve laboratory testing, user feedback, or pilot studies. The goal is to ensure that your concept works as intended and provides tangible benefits.

Read: Project Discovery Phase: deliverables and cost

At JetSoftPro, we would be happy to help you with research and the implementation of innovations into your tech product!

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