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Xperience Plus: Futuristic Video Streaming Platform


United Kingdom


UI/UX Design
Software/Product Development Life Cycle
Robots, IoT & Embedded Development


Digital Business Transformation
Technology Consulting
QA & Testing
R&D & Innovation
Mobile Application Development


Adobe Photoshop
Android & Xamarine
AWS Cloud Infrastructure


Media & Entertainment
Travel & Hospitality

Client Background

The idea behind X+ is not new. All the founders share a passion for technology and innovation, and they went through personal situations where their lives were limited. The greatest trigger to accelerate it may have been the COVID-19 lockdown, which impacted and limited so many people’s lives. The team said “Why don’t we have X+ live? Our friends and family are asking for it. We know so many people would be impacted in a positive way”. That’s when the client decided to push it forward.

Business Challenge

The motivation to start Xperience Plus is to impact billions of people in a positive way, working on a sustainable framework to support global challenges of economic growth and fight poverty by enabling the economy of passion.


  • Approachability of expertise. We constantly provided the client with accessible people who met the requirements and expectations of the project and were ready to continue the following challenges. A complete software development life cycle is provided by JetSoftPro.
  • Architecture. We participated in the modulation of the technical architecture, as area of our expertise.
  • Management. A complete software development life cycle was provided by JetSoftPro company. The project was developed by the mobile and back-end team during a four month span.
  • Team extension. We provided a cross-platform Mobile Development team, Python, AWS infrastructure services and tools, and  business analytics and QA.
  • Design (UI/UX). We created a completely brand-new, simple, and user-friendly design that is unique and fully met end-users expectations.

Value delivered by JetSoftPro

  • CTO Level Consulting
  • Distributed Team Structure Building
  • SDLC and CI/CD Processes Establishing
  • Architecture Solutions
  • Full UI/UX App Design Process

Project Details

Client’s Goals

Once you have the X+ app, you can sign up as a Dreamer or a Doer. A Dreamer is someone who wants to make their dreams come true and to live them as an experience in real life. Creating a dream is super easy. Once matched with a Doer, the user can chat and discuss details, including price and exact time for connection.

Technical implementation

We participated in the modulation of the technical architecture and provided a cross-platform Mobile development team, Python, AWS infrastructure services and tools, and business analytics and QA. The main module of the MVP includes the possibility of performing live video streaming between two users (with the possibility of extending the number of users in the future). For that purpose, we use AWS solutions combined with the Google solution for WebRTC streaming. The key point is that we pass video and audio and other data, which allows sending text messages, emojis, charts, etc. AWS was used to deploy the backend infrastructure, which allows you to create flexible and scalable applications.

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