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Web Service For Managing Dental Clinic Business ​




Software/Product Development Life Cycle
Big Data & Analytics


Digital Business Transformation
Integration Services
R&D & Innovation
Technology Consulting
Software Product Development


Apache Cassandra
Apache Spark



Client Background

Our client is a dental clinic from the USA, which needed to create a unique web service with all the necessary analytical tools for business organization.

Business Challenge

The client used to work with Excel sheets to manage his clients’ processes. The problem was that Excel sheets didn’t cover all his needs. The main challenge was to create a system with extended functionality for dental clinics to track their professional improvement and all financial processes.​


We developed a dental management system to allow clinics to identify areas where they can increase production by maximizing current patient production and attracting new patients. ​

Value delivered by JetSoftPro

  • Business process automation
  • Analytical tools to track all financial processes
  • Security and Safety

Project Details

Client’s Goals

We added to the web service some additional features: ​


  • Setting up users, production hours, new patients, benchmarks, and procedures. ​
  • Review reports with the number of procedures, money, and other details for the previous and the current years, as well as for a specific length of time. ​
  • Ability to analyze main analytics and graphics on the dashboard. ​

Technical implementation

The RESTful services are written in Scala and use PostgreSQL with Slick underneath the HTTP layer. All async job is based on Monix. The task was used for maximum performance and scalability. For accessing reports in Cassandra, we used DataStax Cassandra Driver.​ The client user interface is implemented with Angular 8, it allows users to make many adjustments and settings, takes reports from the backend, and shows them to the end user. The client data uploading is done through a desktop client to Kafka, from which Apache Spark takes it. ​Clients row data is taken from Apache Kafka, calculated by Apache Spark, and stored as reports in Apache Cassandra. Apache Avro is used for data serialization. The API is integrated with Twilio SMS to send email and SMS notifications to the end consumers. ​ Continuous integration is implemented through GitLab ci/cd and pipelines. ​

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