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MYJET: Corporate Eco-System




Robots, IoT & Embedded Development
UI/UX Design
Business Automation & WFM


Digital Business Transformation
Software Product Development
Integration Services
Technology Consulting
QA & Testing
R&D & Innovation
Security Solutions
Mobile Application Development


Android & Xamarine
AWS Amplify IoT Core
AWS Cognito User Pool
Combine framework
IoT Cloud service


Finance & Banking
Travel & Hospitality

Client Background

MyJet app is a new generation of back-office ecosystem created by the JetSoftPro team. An integrated platform for managing your work performance, MyJet easily adapts to the needs of every employee. Speed, ease of use, and reliability make MyJet app an effective tool for incorporating daily work.

Business Challenge

We needed a corporate mobile application that would unite functions from different corporate systems (HRMS, time tracking, financial system, chat, etc.) so employees have all necessary information and functions related to their work in the company in their phones. It has to back employees up in situations when they are away from the computer.


We created MyJet, which is already integrated with our HRMS database. We developed an API for this integration and employees have their own profiles with personal information. They can see their own available leaves, search the list of all employees and see colleagues’ contact information. Also, we have a hardware part that is connected to the office door. Our employees can open office doors with the help of MyJet application and hardware combination, so there is no need to carry keys.

Value delivered by JetSoftPro

  • Digital Business Transformation
  • Superlative UI/UX design
  • Best Practice Development

Project Details

Client’s Goals

One of the most interesting and popular features is the ability to open the office door from your phone/app. This was done using the AWS Amplify IoT Core service. The application communicates with a real device that receives signals to open the door through the IoT Cloud service.

The device for opening the door is based on a microcontroller with a Wi-Fi module and controls the relay responsible for opening the door. The cloud service operates on the MQTT protocol, which is specially designed to support unstable connections.

The exchange of data between the service, the application, and the devices is encrypted and is initiated only after verification of identification, so this link is also very well protected. In addition, the user will receive notifications about colleagues’ birthdays, important corporate news, or changes in his/her status (vacation has been agreed upon, etc.).

Technical implementation

When creating the application, we focused on security of corporate and personal data and convenience for the end user. The AWS Cognito User Pool service was used for authorization in the application, and since the service is connected to our user directory via SAML-authentication, the authorization in the application is possible only with a working email and password, which makes it impossible for a third party to access the application and facilitates UX, as you do not need to invent a new login password and use an existing one. To increase security, an additional feature has also been introduced to install and verify the PIN code, which is reinstalled each time you log in (if the user logged out) and is not tied to the device PIN code. The user cannot avoid setting the PIN code. Further access to the application is possible only after entering the PIN code or after undergoing biometric authentication (if it is available for this device). If necessary, you can change the PIN code while using the application.

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