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Drone emulation platform


Software/Product Development Life Cycle


Software Product Development
Integration Services
Mobile Application Development





Client Background

Our client is a company that deals with individuals involved in group drone flights. It’s a high-tech business that has decided to add another exciting opportunity to its portfolio for clients – flight emulation. To achieve this, the client turned to JetSoftPro as a reliable software development service provider.


Business Challenge

Our client requested a software development service to create a platform for individuals who want to simulate real-life drone flight behavior. It was also necessary to add the ability to manage and visualize multiple drone flights for drone shows.​


JetSoftPro has created a platform that combines mobile and web applications, allowing users to control multiple drones in one user-friendly interface. Additionally, we added the ability to simulate algorithms for flock behavior and create choreographed aerial light performances.

Value delivered by JetSoftPro

  • Simple management of drones flight
  • Clear visualization
  • Modeling of behavior algorithms in flocks of drones

Technical implementation

The client-side application is built using ElectronJS, NodeJS, and React, providing a dynamic and interactive user interface for managing and emulating drones. The firmware, developed in C/C++ and utilizing Ardupilot, runs on CubeOrange hardware to accurately replicate drone behaviors. Custom-built drones ensure high fidelity in emulation, mirroring real-world operations. AWS infrastructure supports the platform's scalability, handling data storage, processing, and analytics to maintain high performance and security.

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