How to Create a Landing Page for Your Software Product

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The software development process is challenging and costly. Nevertheless, the marketing for your new software product costs a lot more. Getting your software product to market at the MVP stage is a challenge because the software world has never been more competitive than it is now.  

How to get started with a new software product without spending all your money on marketing? Of course, from the landing page.  

Let’s go deeper into how the landing page works and why it’s essential for your software product promotion.   

What Is Landing Page for Software Product, and How Does It Work?

A landing page is a single action page designed to showcase your software product and convert visitors into customers. 

A quality landing page should contain only one offer because, as Landing Page Statistics show, featuring too many offers on one landing page can decrease your conversion rates by as much as 266%. 

A landing page is specifically used for marketing or advertising campaigns. It’s placement, where you will collect user contacts. But you still need to attract those users to your landing page to get started. Usually, automated advertising on Google, LinkedIn, Meta, and other platforms is used for this.  

The key performance indicator of a landing page is conversion – the number of people who came to this website and left a request or paid for your software product.  

According to Larry Kim at Wordstream, the average landing page conversion rate is 2.35% across industries, while the top 25% convert at 5.31% or higher. The top 10% are pages with conversion rates of 11.45% or higher.  

To determine your conversion rate, divide the number of goals achieved in a given time frame by the total number of visitors to your website, then multiply that number by 100%. For example, if your landing page had 20 000 visitors and of those, 4 000 took a desired action, then your conversion rate is 20%. 

Landing Page Structure for a Software Product

No two landing pages are the same. Nevertheless, there are 8 key elements that every high-converting landing page for a software product must have:  

  1. Impactful visual 

Remember to place the most important visual content at the top of the landing page. It is necessary to grab visitors’ attention with an emotional image or video from the first second.  

Ideally, your visual should reflect the software product’s or landing page’s main idea or critical benefits.   

Adding video content to your landing page can increase conversion rates by as much as 86%. It’s also a great option to avoid overwhelming customers with too much text.   

JSP tip: Choose images with people similar to your target audience.   

  1. Clearly described headline 

The first text block should consist of a primary (H1) and supporting (H2) headline that resonates with your audience and promises to solve their problems or improve their lives.    

The visitor learns about the software product and its unique value proposition in this block.   

  1. CTA 

The main rule of the landing page for the software product is to focus on only one conversion goal! And that goal is the call-to-action (CTA) button.   

A CTA is a short phrase that invites visitors to complete the desired goal, such as entering a name and email address to register for an event or receive a free option. 

JSP tip: Use clear and direct language that even your grandmother can understand. Remember to place the CTA button multiple times across the landing page to give visitors the option to click regardless of where they are on the page.  

  1. Your audience  

To immediately reject the ballast audience and catch your ideal customer, place information about who your product is suitable for in the form of a list on the landing page.  

  1. Summary of benefits 

When describing the benefits of your software product, avoid detailing the technical side of your offer and instead focus on explaining what people will get if they purchase or sign up. 

  1. Social proof (reviews and testimonials) 

This section should convince the client that your software product is worthwhile and back it up with your real customers’ reviews or testimonials.   

On the landing page, social proof may take different forms:  

  • Direct quotes from customers  
  • Case studies (or links to case studies)  
  • Video interviews or testimonials  
  • Logos of customer companies  
  • Review scores from websites or catalogs, such as Clutch   

Read the article: Clutch Is An Online Review Website 

JSP tip: Don’t try to fake reviews! Your company’s reputation is priceless, and an exposed lie on a website can destroy it in a matter of minutes. 

  1. Prices and tariffs 

Be prepared to disclose information about your prices and rates honestly. An order form or a quick purchase button in this block can increase your chances of winning a new customer. 

  1. Final argument 

As you know, some visitors will scroll all the way to the bottom of your landing page. You need to summarize what you said and add the CTA button again for these visitors. 

You can also add your contact information to this block, including your phone number, email address, and links to your social media profiles. 

For a landing page to convert, you must start from the end. First, an application form is prepared, which should contain the minimum required fields: name, email, and payment link, if applicable.  

After the application, the user usually gets to the Thank You Page, which makes practical sense:  

  • the user receives confirmation that his application has been accepted   
  • you can capture this for your analytics as someone who made a purchase. You can put an ad pixel on TYP and keep this audience of customers in constant contact. 

Some Tips and Tricks to Advertise Your Software Product

  • The advertising banners must be in the same style as the landing page for your software product. This will help the user not get lost during the transition.   
  • The landing page should match with the design of your software product.   
  • Include your logo on your landing page and in your ads.   
  • Remember to show real exciting screenshots of the software product.   
  • Pay attention to the graphic elements. For example, never put screenshots of the stock image of a 2008 MacBook. Such details affect the final result.  

If you are searching for a reliable and professional partner to create the landing page for your software product, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to advise you on the marketing account for your new software products.   

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